Our job is to stomp on them, and then keep them in the dark until they mature into something we wouldn't mind having dinner with." Khadijah: "But Regine, he's got money and status. Tag: Overton puts out toaster fire when Synclaire is distracted by phone calls. Overton is forced to endure a slew of phone calls from lonely women when his ad offering handyman services accidentally ends up in the personals. The girls agree not to date each other's ex-boyfriends-unless he's really fine.

When Regine praises her for her selflessness, Max admits that Charles was the one who broke things off. Max later drops by the apartment and announces that she has dumped Charles. Max refuses, as she enjoys Charles's company and doesn't feel that Regine should always get her own way. Regine persuades a reluctant Khadijah to ask Max to break up with Charles. She suspects that Max doesn't even care about Charles, and is only using him to hurt Regine. However, she is furious when Max goes to church and Sunday brunch with Charles. NOTE: This episode aired on a Sunday night at 8:00, but the show then took over the 8:30 time slot.Ĭharles Penland, Freda Payne Īfter Regine breaks up with her latest beau, a handsome attorney named Charles, she grants Max permission to give him a call. I figure once I get up under that sink, I'm in there!"ī: 29 Aug 93 pc: 475074 w: Yvette Denise Lee d: Tony Singletary Overton: "Today, she let me fix the vacuum. Khadijah: "Men dump you like Eddie Murphy albums."

Khadijah: "We'll see how long this one lasts." Tag: Girls dance to "My Girl" in bathroom while singing into hair dryers and toilet brushes. She finally settles on a feature story about married men who cheat, "the sleeping dog that lies."

Khadijah struggles to find a new cover story after Synclaire forgets to send the interview questions to Maya Angelou. When she wonders why such things always happen to her, Khadijah and Max encourage to be her own person, as she can find happiness without a man. Regine is devastated when Brad fails to show for their date. However, she believes Brad's claim that he will leave his wife for her, and continues to see him. When the girls break the news to Regine, she is enraged. She constantly rubs her good fortune in her friends' faces.Ī woman comes to the Flavor office to purchase an ad for Brad's restaurant Synclaire is stunned to learn that she is Brad's wife. Regine begins dating a handsome, wealthy and intelligent man named Brad Hamilton. Idalis DeLeon as Roni De Santos, popular New York City deejay and love interest for Tripp.Ĭylk Cozart, Natalie Belcon.Leslie Taylor, pastor at the group's church. Khalil Kain as Keith, Regine's artist boyfriend.Anthony Brown as Tibby, Overton's favorite uncle. Bumper Robinson as Ivan Ennis, college-age messenger turned Flavor copy aide infatuated with Khadijah.Steven Gilborn as Jeffrey Higgins, Kyle's boss.Heavy D (Dwight Myers) as Darryl, Regine's friend.Rita Owens as Rita James, Khadijah's mother.Chip (Fields) Hurd as Laverne Hunter, Regine's mother.Bobby Hosea as Lawrence, Kyle's rival at the brokerage.Shaun Baker as Russell Montego, Jamaican-born music editor at Flavor.Richard Lyons as Michael Janson, Max's "old stand-by.".Cress Williams as Terrence "Scooter" Williams, Khadijah's childhood friend and sometime love interest.